Wednesday, May 25, 2011

'I called it off a million times... but then I thought he wanted to marry me': Imogen Thomas reveals 'love affair' with Giggs

By Richard Hartley-parkinson

-Imogen claims: 'He knew it was wrong but he kept pursuing me'
-Family says they fear she may commit suicide
-The couple met for secret love trysts in hotels before big matches

What a striker: Imogen Thomas, posing in a Manchester United top, said she tried to end the affair 'a million times' but thought Ryan Giggs wanted to marry her

Reality TV star Imogen Thomas claims she tried to break up with Ryan Giggs several times throughout their six-month affair.

She even thought the footballer would leave his wife Stacey and actually wanted to marry her because he refused to let the affair end and kept coming back.

Miss Thomas, 28, met Giggs - who is now being named thanks to Lib Dem MP John Hemming using parliamentary privilege to identify him on Monday - in hotels throughout their relationship.

Ryan Giggs pictured today on his way to training. Miss Thomas claims he kept pursuing her after their first liaison in a hotel

They even met up in hotels on nights before two crucial matches.

Miss Thomas spoke recently about the pressure she is being put under, saying she has turned to 'three big glasses of wine a night' to cope with it all.

She said that she has not been sleeping well because of an injunction taken out against her and has lost a lot of weight.

Giggs gave the thumbs up to fans last night as he jogged into Old Trafford for Gary Neville's testimonial match

United we stand: Giggs recreates the 'Class of 92' photograph ahead of the game

Talking about her affair with 37-year-old Giggs she said: 'I called it off a million times but he kept coming back. He knew it was wrong as well, he said as much, but he was pursuing me.'

Her family has echoed warnings over her state of mind made by publicist Max Clifford. Her sister Alana went as far as saying that she was frightened her sister might commit suicide.

Miss Thomas, a former Big Brother star, claimed she never intended to sell her story and denies allegations that she was trying to sue Giggs for £100,000.

A friend said: 'Imogen was 100 per cent certain he would leave Stacey and the kids and move in with her. It wasn't a relationship built totally on sex. She thought it went much deeper. She was in love but now she has been left high and dry.'

Their affair began, perhaps inevitably, at a London club one night last September. According to Miss Thomas, Giggs did not initially know who she was.

'We hit it off straight away because we had so much in common,’ she told a Sunday tabloid a little over a month ago.

Miss Thomas's recollection suggests that the Manchester United footballer knew what he was doing and had a clear mind.

'He was quiet and seemed quite sober,' she said. 'Back at the hotel bar we were just chatting about life but I could tell he was interested in me.

'We kissed and I ended up staying the night with him. I knew he was married but I was caught up in the moment and I never thought it was going to go anywhere.'

She claims she tried to end the affair there and then, but he insisted that she give him her number and the following day he called to check she had arrived home safely and subsequently pursued her with a stream of flirty texts.

What followed has filled column inches and called into question the UK's privacy laws which, in the days of Facebook and Twitter, appear outdated.

Last night Giggs made his first public appearance following the revelations about his private life, playing the opening 30 minutes of a testimonial match for Gary Neville.

His wife - who 24 hours earlier was pitch-side cheering him on during family celebrations at Old Trafford - was photographed leaving the couple's £6m home near Manchester without her wedding ring.



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