Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dissing and kissing: While Aaron and Faye enjoy a romantic date Big Brother style, Heaven gives Rebekah hell for her 'negative vibrations'

By Daily Mail Reporter

Natural choice: Faye picked 'serious' Aaron to enjoy a private chicken dinner away from the other housemates

Romance was in the air at the Big Brother house tonight as Faye and Aaron enjoyed a romantic date.

It looks like Louise has become a distant memory for the heartthrob, who described Faye as the ‘only person in the world’ to him.

Serial seducer Jay was none too happy with the evening's developments, having had the impression that Faye liked him.

Faye won her date with 30-year-old Aaron after Big Brother charged her with the task of ‘Dissing then Kissing’ all of the boys in the house.

She managed this challenging feat with relative ease, simply asking each of the boys in turn about a past instance of bad behaviour, gasping ‘that’s really put me off you’ and then telling them to give her a kiss on the cheek to make up.

The formula clearly worked on Jay however, who cuddled Faye afterwards, whispering: 'You're dead innocent aren't you. That makes us want to look after you. It's cute. Cute is good.'

Dissing and kissing: Faye was given the challenge to diss and kiss all of the boys in the house to win a romantic meal with someone of her choice

When Big Brother asked Faye, who had previously expressed an interest in handsome Aaron, who she wanted to join her for 'chicken with all the trimmings' she agonised over the choice.

'I could go for the laugh factor or I could go for the serious factor,' she mused.
It seems she was in an earnest mood, as she plumped for Aaron, who was then called into the diary room.

Clean sweep: Faye successfully dissed and kissed all of the male housemates, using a fail safe formula which saw her receive a peck on the cheek from each one

When he was told what Faye had been up to he exclaimed, laughing 'I thought she liked me! How annoying!'

However his ears pricked up when he heard that he was Faye's choice to share a sexy meal, and turning to Faye he asked tentatively: 'So what time are you picking me up?'

They then left the diary room to entreat the others to help them get ready, promoting a glum look from Jay when he heard about the night's plans.

Mixed messages: Jay was won over by Faye's act, and said that she was cute and an 'innocent' girl

Aaron approached the night's preparations with nervous energy, entreating the boys to help him get ready but responding badly when they failed to grasp the gravity of the situation.

'I want my friends to take this seriously,' he pleaded. 'I really don't want to let her down.'

Faye meanwhile was pampered to the nines by the girls, who dissuaded her of the idea that she should dress 'funny' so as not to give Aaron the impression that it was a proper date.

I Will Always Love You? Aaron and Faye enjoyed a slow dance to the Whitney Houston classic

Pacing date room, Aaron moaned to Big Brother, 'Why did you leave a bed in here? I feel under pressure now!'

But he cheered up greatly upon Faye's arrival, and told Faye as they were eating that it was the 'best date' he'd been on.

The pair enjoyed a romantic slow dance to Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You, and Faye seemed very relieved when Aaron reassured her that it was her who he fancied and not Louise.

Getting closer: Though he had previously said he liked Louise, Aaron seemed to be won over by Faye during their date

Aaron's affections certainly appear to have taken a swift turn, as he later told Big Brother: 'She may be one person in the world, but to me now Faye is the only thing in the world.'

A wounded Jay meanwhile consoled himself, saying that Louise was the 'best one in the house.'

He didn't seem too convinced however, adding: 'Faye is like a good and proper lass, she's definitely no one night stand chick. She is proper sweet and innocent.'

Change of heart: Aaron later told Big Brother that Faye was the 'only person in the world' to him now
On a less romantic note, tensions rose between Heaven and Rebekah.

Heaven vented about Rebekah, saying 'I liked her tattoo, loved her outfit, but then I started noticing my name was being slandered around the house a bit and Rebekah seems to be in the middle of it.'

Aden then told Rebekah that Heaven had implied she was playing games.

Tensions rising: Rebekah called Heaven a bully after Heaven made Rebekah get out of her bed because she didn't want any 'negative vibrations'

When Heaven told Rebekah to get off her bed, Rebekah snapped, following Heaven into the living area shouting 'you're a bully' in front of a bemused Anton and Tom.

When Rebekah asked Heaven why she wasn't allowed to sit on her bed Heaven replied: 'I didn't want any negative vibrations. I didn't want your negative thoughts into my bed.'

Rebekah snapped back: 'You're f****** crackers.'

Furious: Rebekah said that Heaven was 'f****** crackers' for saying that Rebekah's negative thoughts could be transferred to her bed



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