Sunday, November 6, 2011

Young woman arrested over attack on TOWIE stars Sam and Billie Faiers

By Emily Sheridan

Starting off well: Sam and Billie Faiers out in London on October 22 - just hours before the attacks

A young woman in her twenties has been arrested in connection with the nightclub attacks on reality stars Sam and Billie Faiers.

A female in her early 20s was arrested on suspicion of actual bodily harm (ABD) in an East London police station on Friday following the incidents two weeks ago.

Billie, 21, and Sam, 20, were both injured after being attack by a group of girls in two separate incidents in Essex and London.

The first alleged assault took place outside the Jet Black club in Holborn where the sisters had been partying with a group of friends.

Billie said she was hit by a glass and had her £1,500 Mulberry bag stolen, before she headed home without Sam.

Former glamour model Sam was left with black eyes, a split nose, and bruises and scratches on her back after she was set upon by a group of girls in Chigwell, Essex, a few hours later.

She was allegedly lured to Repton Park after one of the people who stole Billie's mobile phone called Sam, promising to return it.

Recovering: Sam's black eyes and Billie's bloody lip were in a recent episode of TOWIE

A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: 'On the morning of Friday November 4 a woman in her early 20s attended an east London police station by appointment, where she was arrested on suspicion of actual bodily harm.

'The arrest is in connection with an investigation into an allegation of theft and assault relating to events that allegedly took place at some point during the night of October 22-23 made to police at approximately 4.30pm on Sunday October 23.

'(She) was later bailed to return to an east London police station in January 2012 pending further inquiries.'

Getting on with life: The Faiers sisters joined co-stars Joey Essex and Harry Derbidge to film the final Series 3 episode in Salcott, Essex yesterday

Both sisters were hospitalised following the attacks, with their recovery being documented on recent episodes of TOWIE.

Speaking about the attack this week, Sam said: 'I tried to cover my face as best as I could but they just kept aiming for my head. I then fell unconscious.

'My friend Charlotte was trying to get me up, but they dragged her away and ripped clumps of her hair out, and just kept kicking me.

'When one of the girls started screaming, "She’s not moving! She’s dead!". She started crying hysterically, because she honestly thought they’d killed me. That was the only time they stopped.'



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