Monday, February 21, 2011

Jennifer Aniston has a hair raising moment as she struggles to control her windswept locks in New York

By Daily Mail Reporter

New York wind: Jennifer Aniston can't seem to control her long hair in the wind as she arrived at JFK yesterday

She became famous for her perfect 'Rachel' hairstyle during the heyday of TV series Friends.

But there was nothing particularly well groomed about Jennifer Aniston's long locks as she arrived at New York's JFK airport yesterday.

The 42-year-old actress tried to hold back her long brown hair with her hand as she braved the high New York winds.

Dressed warmly in black jeans, leather jacket and scarf, the star seemed to find her predicament quite bemusing, smiling and waving before entering the terminal.

The star has been in the city for the premiere of her new Adam Sandler comedy Just Go With It, and there are rumours she is looking for a new pad in the Big Apple.

‘I am looking for little spots in New York City to go back home. There are all sorts of things that are going to be happening in the near future so I’m excited. I don’t know what they are but that’s the fun part.’

Out of control: Jennifer tried but failed to manage her hair with her hand

Whispers are growing louder that the divorced star has already successfully put an offer on a $15million duplex penthouse in New York’s West Village.

The apartment, spacious by New York City standards, may be the smaller, more manageable space for the Friends actress at 3,000 square feet.

Jennifer, who is currently single, has put her Beverly Hills home on the market after deciding it was 'too much' for her.

She told People magazine: ‘I couldn’t sleep and I sort of had one of those moments where I really needed to simplify.

‘My life needs to be simplified and clear out the clutter.

'And along with that thought came, I should sell my house. I had the realisation that this is just too much for me, I’m not this person.’



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