..She had every right to be grim faced after a French magazine published topless pictures of her on holiday.
But in a show of unbelievable strength the Duchess of Cambridge managed to smile and laugh her way through a Diamond Jubilee tea party at the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon.
Kate, wearing an elegant ice blue lace dress by Alice Temperley, her hair pulled back in a bun and held in place with pearl-headed pins, sipped tea and chatted to several guests including shoe designer Jimmy Choo.

Brave face: The Duchess of Cambridge smiled her way through a tea party at the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur despite the news that a French magazine has published topless pictures of her on holiday

She appeared determined not to let the strain of the morning’s revelations show, smiling, laughing and chatting to the designer without an apparent care in the world – although William at times did appear to have the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Mr Choo, who no longer has links with the company he created but says he still designs as ‘it is in his blood’ said: ‘I am very proud and delighted to have been invited. She is an absolutely beautiful person both inside and out. Very much like Prince’s William’s mother.’
Mr Choo worked with Diana, Princess of Wales for seven years and said Kate very much reminded him of her.
‘They are both elegant and wear fashion well but most importantly are very caring people inside which is why they appear so beautiful in public,’ he said.
Surprisingly the pair did not discuss shoes at length when they met but talked about the importance of education for young people, an issue Mr Choo is campaigning about on an international level and the duchess takes a keen interest in.
But he admitted that he would love to create for her. ‘Who wouldn’t? She is the style icon of her generation,’ he said.

Grim faced: With lips pursed, the Royal pair head down the red carpet towards a waiting Boeing 737-800 jet at Kuala lumpur's airport

Pained expression: It is thought Kate and William have not yet seen the topless photographs inside the magazine because they had to fly to Kota Kinabalu for the next leg of their tour

‘She also told me how much she was loving visiting my country which made me very proud indeed.’
The Duke and the Duchess also watched a traditional Malay tea pouring ceremony before heading to the next leg of their south east Asia tour.
Away from the tea party the young Royals showed the strain of the day's revelations and appeared downcast as they left for the airport.
They had been told about the magazine's plans to publish the pictures of the pair on holiday in France just before their first ever visit to a mosque earlier today.
William and Kate were said to have looked at the teaser picture on the magazine's website showing its front cover with a heavily pixellated image of Kate about to take her top off.
A translation of the text accompanying the pictures describes the pair as 'two lovers who forget, in the space of a few days that they are the future monarchs of a big country'.
The story continues: 'Kate is always described as sublime, perfect, polite, radiant, sober, elegant, simple, pleasant, smiling, admirable, a list of deserved praises, but which suppose a great deal of vigilance in at every moment.

Hello you! Kate, wearing an elegant ice blue lace dress by Alice Temperley sipped tea and chatted to several guests including shoe designer Jimmy Choo

'And so on the terrace of Chateau D’Autet, during a three day escapade, Kate has decided to release the pressure, to get rid of convention, to free herself from the protocol, but also to get rid of her bikini suit top!
'And if at the time of feminist struggles militants were buring their bras on holiday, Kate doesn’t wear hers, and that’s her absolute right.'
The piece then takes a pop at the Cambridge's home in Wales. It reads: 'Kate forgets the fog and solitude of her house in the Isle of Anglesey in Wales where she spent long weeks of solitude and boredom alone, waiting for William, helicopter pilot for the royal airport.'
Finally the magazine compares the pictures to those of Prince Harry, who was snapped playing naked billiards in a Las Vegas hotel room last month.
'There is no question here of alcohol, strip pool, or ambiguous positions,' it reads. 'But simply a spouse who feels well enough in her body and who has nothing to hide to her husband, moments of grace, complicity.'

Pearly addition: Kate wore her hair in the same glamorous up-do from earlier in the day but made it extra special with a few pretty pearl pins, left, and on her feet? Her trusty LK Bennett nude shoes of course, right

Trailed by their closest aides and airport staff, the couple walked the 200 yard red carpet laid out at the Bunga Raya VIP area of Kuala lumpur's airport.
William, 30, especially, didn't look to his left or right for most of the walk, clenching his teeth as he showed his displeasure at the invasion of his wife's privacy. Kate allowed herself a couple of smiles - to him when they got out of their official car and then when she recognised newsmen on the tarmac.
As they went up the steps to board the the Boeing 737-800 jet, she reassuringly placed her left hand on the small of his back.
Just minutes earlier, in a waiting room at the grand marble-floored VIP section where the couple retired as their plane was prepared, aides had agreed to release a strong statement which was issued as they took off.
Backing up earlier statements underlining their 'anger and disbelief' and that a 'red line had been crossed' by Closer magazine, the palace went further as the plane was taxi-ing.
The statement from a St James's Palace spokesman read, 'Their Royal Highnesses have been hugely saddened to learn that a French publication and a photographer have invaded their privacy in such a grotesque and totally unjustifiable manner.

Standing on ceremony: The Duke and the Duchess also watched a traditional Malay tea pouring ceremony before heading to the next leg of their south east Asia tour

Soldiering on: The young Royals had been told about the magazine's plans to publish the pictures just before their first ever visit to a mosque earlier today

'The incident is reminiscent of the worst excesses of the press and paparazzi during the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, and all the more upsetting to The Duke and Duchess for being so.
'Their Royal Highnesses had every expectation of privacy in the remote house. It is unthinkable that anyone should take such photographs, let alone publish them.
'Officials acting on behalf of Their Royal Highnesses are consulting with lawyers to consider what options may be available to The Duke and Duchess.'
The statement concluded: 'The Duke and Duchess remain focused currently on their Tour of Singapore, Malaysia, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu on behalf of HM The Queen.'
A source close to David Cameron said that Number 10 'echoes the sadness of the Palace' over the publication of the pictures. A Downing Street spokesman said the Prime Minister had not seen the photographs and the Palace, rather than the Government, was dealing with the fallout from their publication.
The spokesman said: 'The view from Downing Street is that they are entitled to their privacy.'
The young Royals plan to travel out to the region's dramatic rainforest jungle tomorrow to learn about the wildlife - something that is likely to be a welcome relief from the events of today.
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